Non-thermal effect of microwave treatment on enzyme suspensions : part I. : water electrolysis

Szerencsi Ágnes: Non-thermal effect of microwave treatment on enzyme suspensions : part I. : water electrolysis. In: Review of faculty of engineering : analecta technica Szegedinensia. pp. 58-62. (2009)

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In previous researche s it wa s showed that cellulase enzyme activity could be raised by microwav e treatment. Also the physiologica l cell division process of microorganisms could be influenced by the microwav e effec t that is a higher numbe r of cells could be reached by examinin g the Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As these structure s are in aqueou s media , the aim o f the research wa s to find the effec t of microwav e on wate r that is present in all biological medium. Afte r low-intensity microwav e treatment of 1% NaCI wate r solution electrolysis wa s carried out in Hofmann's Voltameter. To focu s only on the non-therma l effect, a s control, an other fluid wa s warme d up on hotplate by the same heating parameters. We came to the result that the speed o f wate r decomposition of microwave-treated wate r is higher, than thos e of the control. Th e results showe d clearly, that microwav e has an effec t on th e water and so indirectly on every substanc e that is present in water. In the case of sample s irradiated by microwav e electrolysis wa s faster eve n 4 8 hours after treatments compared to the control samples. Wate r wa s abl e to remembe r the electromagneti c wave s of low intensity microwav e treatment, so this result proved the memor y effec t of water.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Review of faculty of engineering : analecta technica Szegedinensia
Date: 2009
ISSN: 1788-6392
Page Range: pp. 58-62
Language: English
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mérnöki tudományok
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 62. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 15. 12:25
Last Modified: 2021. Jan. 27. 09:53

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