Study of the distribution on trace elements in the rocks of Nuggihalli schist belt, Hassan District, Mysore State, India

Naganna C. and Phene S. G.: Study of the distribution on trace elements in the rocks of Nuggihalli schist belt, Hassan District, Mysore State, India. In: Acta mineralogica-petrographica, (20) 1. pp. 127-132. (1971)

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Semi-quantitative spectrochemical analyses of the rocks representing the three major lithological units of the Nuggihalli schist belt, namely the ultrabasic rocks, the green schists, and the amphibolites have been done. Based on the distribution of elements like Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, V, Ti and B, the amphibolites of this region are considered to be ortho-amphibolites formed after the pre-existing igneous rocks of doleritic or basaltic composition. Further, by a comparison of the nature of distribution of these elements in the three major rock units, it is inferred that the green schists are derived from the alteration of ultrabasic rock and there has not been any differentiation in the rocks of this region.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Acta mineralogica-petrographica
Date: 1971
Volume: 20
Number: 1
ISSN: 0365-8066
Page Range: pp. 127-132
Language: English
Publisher: University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology
Place of Publication: Szeged
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Kőzettan, Ásványtan, Földtan
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 132. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 01. Natural sciences
01. Natural sciences > 01.05. Earth and related environmental sciences
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 17. 09:26
Last Modified: 2022. Jul. 22. 10:09

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