Storms as an onshore drift agent for coarse sands, Nile delta coast

El-Fishawi Nabil M.: Storms as an onshore drift agent for coarse sands, Nile delta coast. In: Acta mineralogica-petrographica, (31). pp. 77-87. (1990)

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Onshore movement of coarse sands during storms is one of the most characteristic features of the Nile Delta coastal sediments. At the western side of Burullus and Damietta beaches, it is indicated that a lot amount of sediments are derived to the beach after server storms. These storm sediments are deposited and covered the beach zone at some locations with a thickness not exceeding 70 cm. This sand accumulation differs from the native beach materials; the derived sediments being coarser, less sorted, more rounded and cleanly washed than the native beach sands. The related characteristics of the storm sands on the beach may simply reflect derivation from similar source area under special physical conditions. In fact, correlation of the grain size distribution and texture of new materials added to the beach and that of the adjacent offshore indicates that onshore movement has occurred. It is significant that coarse sand from offshore sources is added to some beaches by wave action on the bottom during winter severe storms.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Acta mineralogica-petrographica
Date: 1990
Volume: 31
ISSN: 0365-8066
Page Range: pp. 77-87
Language: English
Publisher: University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology
Place of Publication: Szeged
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kőzettan, Ásványtan, Földtan
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 87. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 01. Natural sciences
01. Natural sciences > 01.05. Earth and related environmental sciences
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 17. 09:25
Last Modified: 2022. Jul. 26. 15:15

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