The role of expanding clay minerals in mass movements at Hollóháza, Tokaj Mts.

Zelenka Tibor and Kovács-Pálffy Péter and Trauer Norbert: The role of expanding clay minerals in mass movements at Hollóháza, Tokaj Mts. In: Acta mineralogica-petrographica, (46). pp. 63-67. (2005)

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Hollóháza is situated in the NE part of Hungary, in the Tokaj Mts. region neighbouring Slovakia. Hollóháza is surrounded by remnants of the former trenches of a ring-shaped Miocene volcanic caldera, 4-6 kilometres in diameter. The village settled down in the natural cirque of the former caldera. Here rhyolite tuff and clayey marine sediments of various thicknesses (10-20 m) and volume (< 20 km3 ) are deposited on the andesite basement. The watershed rising over the village is contoured between 250-600 metres. The inner area is about 20 km2 , into which yearly approx. 12 mill, m3 water quantity infiltrates and runs down to the catchment area of Török stream. The average annual precipitation is 600-650 mm. The rhyolite tuff of various grain size originally fallen into water alternates with Sarmatian marine clays and has been strongly altered. The covering soil has high clay mineral content, too. Andesitic rocks in the basement have also been transformed into clay minerals, strongly contributing to the occurrence of sliding. All these geological formations may cause different mass movements due to their high swelling clay mineral content.

Item Type: Article
Heading title: Notes
Journal or Publication Title: Acta mineralogica-petrographica
Date: 2005
Volume: 46
ISSN: 0365-8066
Page Range: pp. 63-67
Language: English
Publisher: Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged
Place of Publication: Szeged
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Földtan, Ásványtan, Kőzettan
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 67. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 01. Natural sciences
01. Natural sciences > 01.05. Earth and related environmental sciences
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 17. 09:24
Last Modified: 2022. Aug. 24. 15:55

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