Adalékok a Johannita magyar-szlavón (vránai) perjelségre kirótt rendi adók kérdéséhez

Hunyadi Zsolt: Adalékok a Johannita magyar-szlavón (vránai) perjelségre kirótt rendi adók kérdéséhez. In: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : acta historica, (116). pp. 31-47. (2002)

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The paper surveys the different revenues (responsiones, arreragia or debita, tallia or taxa, mortuaria, vacantia, spolia, iocalia, passagia, elemosina, pitantia) to be paid by the priories of the Order of St. John to its central treasury, residing in Rhodes or in Avignon, up to the end of the fourteenth century. On the basis of the results of the survey and through the edition of fourteenth-century primary sources, the author attempts to evaluate the contributions of the Hungarian-Slavonian priory in the period under query and beyond against the background formed by the European provinces of the Order.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : acta historica
Date: 2002
Volume: 116
ISSN: 0324-6965
Page Range: pp. 31-47
Language: Hungarian, Latin
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Történelemtudomány
Additional Information: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben; Ismertetett mű: Zsolt Hunyadi: Contributions to the question of the Texas levied on the Hungarian-Slavonian hospitaller priory
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 15. 07:56
Last Modified: 2021. Mar. 03. 13:20

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