Gerundium és translativus a déli-szamojédban

Hajdú Péter: Gerundium és translativus a déli-szamojédban. In: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : sectio ethnographica et linguistica = néprajz és nyelvtudomány = étnografiâ i azykoznanie = Volkskunde und Sprachwissenschaft, (17-18). pp. 49-54. (1974)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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The author cites examples to prove that a translative suffix -wlâ is used in some Selkup dialects (in the middle course of the river Ob and along the river Ket), which has a number of allomorphs as well. The basis of this translative suffix is a morpheme of the value of an adverbial lative (e.g. Selk. tâmâ-là "onto it"), which as a translative suffix also occurs in Kamassian (e. g. Kam-. bulan-la "into elk"). The same morpheme -la is found in Selkup (and Kamassian) as the complementizer of gerund, and the w seen in the translative marker -wlâ is also to be found in certain gerundial formations where -w- has a predecessor either in the non-finite, participai suffix -PE and/or in the durativecontinuative verbal suffix -PE. The author claims it to have taken place that the more original -la ending of the translative was changed for the suffix -wlâ formed in the gerund. The explanation for the translative ending -wlâ is thus inseperable from the examination of gerunds and is a novel contribution to the phenomenon, which has been observed in several languages, that there may be a close, even materially manifested, correspondence between case markers and non-finite verb-complementizers (infinitival, gerundial suffixes).

Item Type: Article
Other title: Gerund and translative markers in Southern Samoyed
Journal or Publication Title: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : sectio ethnographica et linguistica = néprajz és nyelvtudomány = étnografiâ i azykoznanie = Volkskunde und Sprachwissenschaft
Date: 1974
Volume: 17-18
ISSN: 0586-3716
Page Range: pp. 49-54
Language: Hungarian, German
Place of Publication: Szeged
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Szamojéd nyelv - alaktan
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 53. p. ; összefoglalás német nyelven
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.02. Languages and Literature
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 15. 07:57
Last Modified: 2022. Sep. 05. 12:31

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