Manageable and unmanageable world crises : climate and economy

Kiss Károly: Manageable and unmanageable world crises : climate and economy. In: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment. pp. 201-222. (2009)

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This study examines the two world crises, climate change and the financial meltdown, followed by an economic depression, and compares how they can be managed. Climate change has set in and to most probability it will cause immensly big damage, human suffer and loss. Still, for the time being international community is not suited to avoid it. In contrast to this, huge efforts, including international co-ordination, are made to combat the financial and economic crisis. This comparison is astonishing: why is there a sudden solution for the one, and why there is not for the other? As concerns climate stabilization the main question is whether present mainstream economics, interest relations, moral patterns and international institutions give an adequate framework for the solution. The economic crisis also raises basic questions concerning mainstream economics and economic policy: Can bankers’ greed be tamed or it is part of the system? Are crises inevitable? Can better co-ordnation on the international level solve the problem? The combination of the management of the two crises is also examined: whether is there a green way out from the crisis. But to save the world economy via a green energy revolution also seems to be a questionable enterprise.

Item Type: Book Section
Heading title: Environment and Sustainability
Journal or Publication Title: Regional competitiveness, innovation and environment
Date: 2009
ISSN: 1588-8533
Page Range: pp. 201-222
Series Name: SZTE Gazdaságtudományi Kar közleményei
Language: English
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Gazdasági válság - nemzetközi, Pénzügyi válság - nemzetközi, Éghajlatváltozás
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 221-222. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.02. Economics and business
Date Deposited: 2016. Oct. 17. 10:39
Last Modified: 2022. Feb. 15. 08:18

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