Informal Relations and the innovation problem in Hungarian healthcare : a discussion about data collection and initial findings using linkedIn and USPTO data

Crosby-Nagy Michelle; Wanpeng Cheng: Informal Relations and the innovation problem in Hungarian healthcare : a discussion about data collection and initial findings using linkedIn and USPTO data. In: Regional Growth, Competitiveness and Development. pp. 190-203. (2013)

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Monitors of innovation performance from all of the major sources: Eurostat, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum continue to show the failure of European transformed societies (post-communist) to make significant progress in innovation (the market application of recombined knowledge ) relative to non-transformed societies. The purpose of this paper1 is to identify the obstacles to the invention, adoption and diffusion of cutting-edge health-related inventions (new knowledge, medical devices, medications, and therapies) and firm performance that are due to the structure, composition, magnitude and significance of informal networks in the healthcare industry (from bench to bedside) in Hungary. To achieve a higher level of understanding about the composition (the ratio of personal contacts to arms length contacts) of firm-firm informal (non- contract-based) networks and their effect on innovation and firm performance, three basic questions must be addressed: What is the relationship between informal ties and firm performance in healthcare-related innovation networks in Hungary? What is the magnitude and significance (if there is any) of the effect? What are the implications of the findings from one and two for innovation policy in the transformed societies?

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Regional Growth, Competitiveness and Development
Dátum: 2013
ISBN: 978-963-306-222-7
Oldalak: pp. 190-203
Kulcsszavak: Innováció, Egészségügyi ellátás, Adatgyűjtés
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 201-203. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2019. máj. 23. 10:15
Utolsó módosítás: 2019. máj. 23. 10:15
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