From the principles of responsible innovation to the UGO certification standards

Chiocca Massimo: From the principles of responsible innovation to the UGO certification standards. In: Responsible Innovation. pp. 141-161. (2014)

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The paper aims at developing some ground principles around the idea of a possible governance of Responsible Innovation in the organizations. In particular the paper works around a standard named UGO (in opposition to the usual name of management system that are almost alphanumeric string) developed by CISE (Center for innovation and Economical Development) whose goal is to help every kind of organization in projecting, developing and managing any innovation that was targeted to the improvement of quality of life of people that will use that innovation. The paper consist of two parts: the first one about the consequence of the application of an ethic to the concept of innovation, that suggest the need to temper the concept of limit (imposed by an ethic, whatever, and the consequent responsibility that stems from) and the idea of innovation (limitless by nature); the second about the governance of innovation that, assuming as true the Dilemma of Collingridge ,focuses mainly for the need of a governance system that, mixing static elements (the usual requirements of a management system) and dynamic ones (the continuous relationship with the stakeholders), and considering the precautionary principle, could lead to control the critic step between the basic research and the effective production of an innovation, where an effective responsible governance could be applied.

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Responsible Innovation
Dátum: 2014
ISBN: 978-963-306-292-0
Oldalak: pp. 141-161
Kulcsszavak: Újítások - tanulmányok, Technológiai fejlődés - tanulmányok
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 159-161. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2019. ápr. 25. 12:42
Utolsó módosítás: 2019. ápr. 25. 12:42
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