Morpho-meiotic study in Mentha longifolia from cold desert regions of Lahaul-Spiti and adjoining areas of Himachal Pradesh (India)

Srivastava Devendra Kumar; Saggoo Manjit Inder Singh: Morpho-meiotic study in Mentha longifolia from cold desert regions of Lahaul-Spiti and adjoining areas of Himachal Pradesh (India). In: Acta biologica Szegediensis, (62) 2. pp. 131-139. (2018)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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A morpho-meiotic study of wild Mentha longifolia (L.) L. (Lamiaceae) is presented from the nine populations (Kukumsari, Zero-point, Kishori, Tosh, Kasol, Key, Tiling, Mudh and Darcha) in and around the cold desert regions of Lahaul-Spiti of Himachal Pradesh. Present work is needful effort to fill the gap of morpho-meiotic (morphological and cytological) knowledge in M. longifolia growing in high altitude regions. Meiotic study revealed the different chromosome counts in these populations as n = 12, n = 12 + 0-3B and n = 9. Presence of B-chromosome in the species is reported for the first time from the study area and it reflects inter-population variation in five important descriptors (such as a nature of whole plant, stem, leaves, inflorescences and pollen) with 17 sub-descriptor states and occurrence of B-chromosomes. Present study reflects the existence of M. longifolia at diploid (2x) level based on base numbers x = 12 and x = 9.

Mű típusa: Cikk, tanulmány, mű
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Acta biologica Szegediensis
Dátum: 2018
Kötet: 62
Szám: 2
ISSN: 1588-4082
Oldalak: pp. 131-139
Kiadó: University of Szeged
Kiadás helye: Szeged
Befoglaló mű URL:
DOI: 10.14232/abs.2018.2.131-139
Kulcsszavak: Növényélettan, Növénytan, Növénybiológia, Botanika
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 136-139. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2019. nov. 21. 14:17
Utolsó módosítás: 2021. ápr. 12. 14:07
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