Osnovnì afìksal'nì modelì tvorennâ erhonìmìv-fonetičnih slìv u sferì sučasnoho Ukraïns'koho nejmìnhu

Berkovec Vìra: Osnovnì afìksal'nì modelì tvorennâ erhonìmìv-fonetičnih slìv u sferì sučasnoho Ukraïns'koho nejmìnhu. In: Hungaro-Ruthenica, (8). pp. 43-51. (2018)

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The prefixal and the suffixal methods are the most widespread among the affixal ways o f creating ergonyms - phonetic words in the modem Ukrainian naming sphere. The words, formed by the prefixal method (by prefix PRO-), use interlingual homonymy and contamination. The structural models formed by the suffixal method use affixation with: 1) suffixal formánt -OK, based on its homonymy with the English ok; 2) suffixal formánt -K-O - imitation o f the marketing symbols (& Со); 3) complex -СЬК-ИЙ (SKY) based on the use o f interlingual homonymy; 4) suffixal formants OFF, INN as imitation o f the names o f well-known successful brands.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Hungaro-Ruthenica
Date: 2018
Volume: 8
ISSN: 1586-0736
Page Range: pp. 43-51
Related URLs: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/63259/
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nyelvészet
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 51. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2020. Jan. 29. 08:52
Last Modified: 2021. Jul. 09. 12:02
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/63216

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