Etnopsiholohìčne pìdgruntâ obrazìv vodânih duhìv u mìfolohìï zakarpattâ

Tihovska Oksana: Etnopsiholohìčne pìdgruntâ obrazìv vodânih duhìv u mìfolohìï zakarpattâ. In: Hungaro-Ruthenica, (8). pp. 143-156. (2018)

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The images of mermaids and mermen are semantically close, they are the personification of the water, its strength, unpredictability as well as destructive or life-giving nature. Mermaids and mermen can be both good and evil which indicates the archetypical semantics of personalities. These creatures partially represent the fear of death in mankind’s collective unconscious, by embodying an archetype of negative Shade and Anima. The archetypes which are personified in the images of mermaids and mermen lose their terrible shape, their visualization help people to reconcile with the existence of the evil in their own souls and the outside world as well as believe in the possibility of controlling these.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Hungaro-Ruthenica
Date: 2018
Volume: 8
ISSN: 1586-0736
Page Range: pp. 143-156
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mitológia - Kárpátalja
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 155-156. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2020. Jan. 29. 10:59
Last Modified: 2021. Jul. 09. 12:02

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