Bogdán Hmelnyickij és Iván Mazepa megítélésének összeasonlító vizsgálata a 17-18. századtól napjainkig

Varga Beáta: Bogdán Hmelnyickij és Iván Mazepa megítélésének összeasonlító vizsgálata a 17-18. századtól napjainkig. In: Hungaro-Ruthenica, (8). pp. 157-172. (2018)

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The perception of Bogdán Khmelnytsky’s character and political aspirations has been constantly changing over the centuries, but, with very few exceptions, the Ukrainian and Russian-Soviet historiography have drawn a positive image o f his historical role. Bogdán Khmelnytsky is one of the few historical figures who is considered to have a legitimate personality in both the “nationalist” and the “Soviet-type” Ukrainian identity. Such a unified picture has not developed about the historical role of Iván Mazepa. In the post 1991 historiography of Ukraine, we can witness the “renaissance” of the “national” and the Ukrainian emigrant school of historiography, marked by “Hrushevsky”. At the same time the myth of Mazepa as the “Symbol of treachery” which was a characteristic of the 18Л-2 0 Л century Russian and Soviet historiography, practically migrated, transferred to contemporary Russian historiography, where it still remains a less preferred research topic.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Hungaro-Ruthenica
Date: 2018
Volume: 8
ISSN: 1586-0736
Page Range: pp. 157-172
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bogdán Hmelnyickij, Ivan Mazeppa, Ukrajna története - 17-18. sz., Kozákok története
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 169-172. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2020. Jan. 29. 11:10
Last Modified: 2021. Jul. 09. 12:02

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