Szórvány - asszimiláció - szórványosodás

Bodó Barna: Szórvány - asszimiláció - szórványosodás.

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Diaspora is trendy concept. In Hungarian, the inner diasporas is too. We use it and take advantage of it. It is easy to do it, because it has no exact definition and the used definitions have series of dynamic (more exactly: inaccurate) elements. In most of the cases we associate inner diasporas with cumulated handicap, social justice or morality – all with the purpose of making better. When talking about inner diasporas, there is no one clear-cut scientific point of view, it hardly appears in any scientific text. Diaspora is different – sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists researched it -, and means the existence of migrant ethnic groups which integrates in a larger society on other soil. However, the inner Diaspora is a group which is created not by choice – like in the former case -, but by history itself (cataclysms, the movement of borders and etc.). The diaspora in our conceptual usage is related to assimilation. After Milton Gordon’s classical theory many new theories where created, however there is no comprehensive theory for the process of “diasporazition” (the assimilation of inner diasporas). The main objective of the paper is the theoretical contextualization of “diasporazition”, by the comparison of inner diaspora case-studies and the aspects of their assimilation.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Other title: Diaspora - identity - national borders
Heading title: A mindennapi kultúra szerepe az identitás megőrzésében
Journal or Publication Title: Nemzetiségi - nemzeti - európai identitás
Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-963-482-962-1
Page Range: pp. 182-207
Event Title: Nemzetiségi - nemzeti - európai identitás (2008) (Szeged)
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Identitás, Nemzeti tudat, Nemzetiség
Additional Information: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2020. Jan. 17. 10:35
Last Modified: 2022. Nov. 08. 11:52

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