Szűcs Norbert: Létezik-e Tiszazugi identitás? : a területi identitás kutatásának elméleti keretrendszere és módszertana.
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Territorial identity can be defined as a part of social identity consciousness: the individual considers himself as a member of a social group, which is wider than his personal network and which can be defined by geographical categories. In the past years, the research of territorial identity has become more appreciated both regarding scientific and pragmatic aspects, thus its research methodology has also become more professional. An interdisciplinary OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) research titled “Peremlétben? A Tiszazug néprajzi, történeti, földrajzi kutatása az ezredfordulón” (“Existence on the margin? Ethnographical, historical and geographical research of Tiszazug at the turn of the millennium”) is taking place between 2007 and 2011 in the territory of Tiszazug small landscape. One of the fundamental questions raised by the research program is whether the inhabitants and communities living in the territory of Tiszazug small landscape (which is treated as a coherent unit by the professional literature) have “Tiszazug identity”. Following the summary of the basics of territorial identity and its research, this current study attempts to answer this question by employing the methodology of territorial identity research and using the partial results of the ongoing research subprogram. In summary, it can be stated that the ethnical realignment observed in Tiszazug (the increase of the proportion of inhabitants of Gypsy origin), and the ageing and impoverishment of the population weaken territorial identity, while the recently experienced natural disaster (flood), the angling tourism of the territory and the thermal bath tourism connected to the bath of Cserkeszılı strengthen it.
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item |
Other title: | Does Tiszazug identity exist? : the theoretical framework system and methodology of the research of territorial identity |
Heading title: | Az Európai Unió kulturális politikája és a kulturális identitás |
Journal or Publication Title: | Nemzetiségi - nemzeti - európai identitás |
Date: | 2009 |
ISBN: | 978-963-482-962-1 |
Page Range: | pp. 73-83 |
Event Title: | Nemzetiségi - nemzeti - európai identitás (2008) (Szeged) |
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Uncontrolled Keywords: | Nemzeti tudat, Identitás - nemzeti - Magyarország - regionális, Tiszazug |
Additional Information: | Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven |
Date Deposited: | 2020. Jan. 17. 09:26 |
Last Modified: | 2022. Nov. 08. 11:52 |
URI: | |
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