Az orvos Rabelais viszonya a halálhoz : néhány gondolat

Pagliano Jean-Paul: Az orvos Rabelais viszonya a halálhoz : néhány gondolat.

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When discussing Rablais’s works, it is the love of life that first comes to our mind, and this is all so well. However, when analysing Rablais’s works at a deeper level, we can clearly see that death is present in them. He knows it from experience that death is a difficult and cruel thing for people. In his novels, however, he does not describe painfully dying people, and he is keen to emphasise the appropriate behaviour in their presence: he condemned all rude and insensible behaviour on the doctor’s part as well. It is not the aim of the present paper to conduct any hermeneutic discussion, but to show that the author, both as a man and a doctor, manages to bring some hope into our human tragicomedy, which is strengthened by the behaviour against death, which he encourages us so much to follow.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Other title: The doctor Rablais’s relation to death
Heading title: Filológia
Journal or Publication Title: Tudományos és művészeti műhelymunkák: új utakon a Pedagógusképző Kar című konferencia előadásai
Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-963-9927-15-5
Page Range: pp. 32-35
Event Title: Tudományos és művészeti műhelymunkák : új utakon a pedagógusképző kar (2007) (Szeged)
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Uncontrolled Keywords: François Rabelais, Francia irodalom története - 16. sz. - életrajz
Additional Information: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2019. Dec. 05. 09:32
Last Modified: 2022. Nov. 08. 13:46

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