Developing environmental awareness in the public administration : a pilot study

Csonka Zsófia and Berényi László: Developing environmental awareness in the public administration : a pilot study.

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Government and public administration have a multifaceted role in defining and achieving sustainability by developing policies and supporting the implementations. Since this area is a notable employer, personal opinions of the present and future employees deserve attention. Several studies are dealing with the attitude of higher education students towards sustainability, but public administration manager students are usually out of scope. This paper shows the results of a pilot study among 34 public administration manager students. The results include that the respondents are active in certain activities, but these are limited to simple and attractive issues like selective waste collection. The most important governmental responsibilities are defining and supporting tasks related to environmental protection, indirect tasks (framing) are rated less important. The main experience of the survey is that a systemoriented and integrated approach is desired.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Journal or Publication Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems
Date: 2019
ISBN: 978-963-306-702-4
Page Range: pp. 297-301
Event Title: International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (25.) (2019) (Szeged)
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Környezetvédelem - közigazgatás
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 300-301. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Date Deposited: 2020. Mar. 20. 08:32
Last Modified: 2022. Aug. 08. 15:37

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