A cigányokkal kapcsolatos társadalmi tá­volság mértéke a szegedi lakosság körében

Szűcs Norbert: A cigányokkal kapcsolatos társadalmi tá­volság mértéke a szegedi lakosság körében. In: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok. pp. 197-218. (2004)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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THE DEGREE OF SOCIAL DISTANCE GYPSIES AMONG THE RESIDENTS OF SZEGED : In this essay I am investigating the attitudes of the population of Szeged about gypsies. This research is based on the data of the Szeged 2001 (N=1171) surveys and the Youth 2001 (N=1034) carried out by the Department of Sociology at the University of Szeged. First I analyze the Bogardus scales which show the social distance between the identifica¬tion group of the respondent and different outsider groups according to what types of interaction the respondent would accept towards a member of an outsider group.During the analysis, I use a categorization of 4 types to describe the social distance concerning the gypsies. I apply the categories of the excluder, pc-excluder, accepting, and receiver among which the second one gives an opportunity to the politically correct speech to spread and to leak into the everyday life.The two surveys make it possible for me to compare the attitudes of the secondary school students and the grown-up population. The stu¬dents clearly think of the gypsies as the least acceptable ethnic group while the grown up residents reject three Islamic ethnic groups more than the gypsies - probably the aftermath of the 11th September attack.The age of the respondents slightly correlates with the degree of hos¬tility against gypsies but in case of the youth there is, too, another ten¬dency that stands out: the younger age comes with more negative atti¬tudes. Among the youth the proportion of the extreme excluders is much higher (58,7%) than among the adults (43,4%).Those respondents who are more educated, speak more languages, have higher income and upward mobility in the adult population kept a smaller social distance towards the gypsies than the average, (email: noreszl23@freemail.hu)

Item Type: Book Section
Journal or Publication Title: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok
Date: 2004
ISBN: 9 639 573 035
Page Range: pp. 197-218
Uncontrolled Keywords: Előítélet - cigányokkal szemben - Szeged
Additional Information: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben és p. 217-218. Táblázatokkal ill. Rezümé angolul
Date Deposited: 2020. Apr. 22. 12:50
Last Modified: 2020. Apr. 22. 13:09
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/66392

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