Kapcsolatháló-elemzés egy szegedi hajléktalancsoportban

Nagy Terézia: Kapcsolatháló-elemzés egy szegedi hajléktalancsoportban. In: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok. pp. 91-139. (2004)

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SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS IN A HOME¬LESS GROUP IN SZEGED : In this paper I examine a homeless group living in Szeged, and search for answers about why have they become homeless. I also search the answer about why they couldn’t re-integrate into society. In order to research these questions, I used the method of participating observation and interviews. My long term observations have shown that the home¬less are very similar to the great majority of society.I only found a difference in their social networks, so I continued my research with social network relational analysis. I used qualitative sociological and interpretative anthropological methods to analyze their contacts, their individual abilities in relation to their social networks, and the attributes of being homeless.Based on my research, we can say that this „underclass” phenomenon inside the society is really outside it. During my observations I met some unique and challenging lives, which I interpret in my paper. T hese lives became real to me during the everyday personal meetings with members of the observed group, (email: eteca@freemail.hu

Item Type: Book Section
Journal or Publication Title: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok
Date: 2004
ISBN: 9 639 573 035
Page Range: pp. 91-139
Uncontrolled Keywords: Szegények - hajléktalanok - deviancia - Szeged, Csoport integráció
Additional Information: Grafikonokkal ill. Bibliogr.: p. 136-139. Rezümé angolul
Date Deposited: 2020. Apr. 22. 12:29
Last Modified: 2020. Apr. 22. 13:07
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/66394

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