A fiatalok társadalomképe dalszövegek tükrében

Héjjas Barbara: A fiatalok társadalomképe dalszövegek tükrében. In: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok. pp. 11-52. (2004)

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Cikk, tanulmány, mű

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

THE SOCIAL IMAGE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE LIGHT OF SONG LYRICS Different groups are functioning as mouthpieces of their fans, there­fore music, listened to by young people, is a way of self-expression of youngsters. Because of this, we may get to know which social problems affect young people by analysing the lyrics. I would like to demonstrate these problems by means of a content analysis of song lyrics of maybe the most famous and best known rock group in Hungary called Tankcsapda. But the problems introduced in the study affect not only the Tankcsapda-fans, but a wider circle of young people. Lyrics of other rock groups (for example Akela, Sziámi, Sing-sing) are, therefore, presented to support these arguments. The purpose of my study is to introduce those social problems con­cerning youngsters that are sung consciously or unconsciously by groups, and to mention their true forms, which appears in real life, in our society. Moreover, I describe their preliminaries and reasons and the attempts made to solve them. The fact that there could be parallels drawn between the lyrics of Tankcsapda and different sociological theories, touching meaningful parts of society (for example alcoholism, depression) or con­cerning and challenging many people (for example drug using), led us to conclude that investigating lyrics is crucial for getting to know and under­stand their mentality.On the basis of an analysis of lyrics, we must recognise that the biggest problem is not the different ways of deviant behaviour, but the reasons behind it. (barbi80@freemail.hu)

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: A látóhatár mögött : szociológiai tanulmányok
Dátum: 2004
ISBN: 9 639 573 035
Oldalak: pp. 11-52
Kulcsszavak: Ifjúságszociológia - társadalomkép - jövőkép - rockzene szövegei alapján
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben és p. 50-52. Táblázatokkal ill. Rezümé angolul
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. ápr. 22. 12:00
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. ápr. 22. 13:01
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/66396
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