The disappearing body : the unrepresentable carnality in Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s Suddenly last summer

Dragon Zoltán: The disappearing body : the unrepresentable carnality in Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s Suddenly last summer. In: Papers in English and American studies : Tomus XV. 2. - The iconology of gender : Eastern and Western traditions of European iconography 3., (15) 2. pp. 179-184. (2008)

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Item Type: Book Section
Other title: The iconology of gender : Gendered representations in cultural practices
Heading title: The gendered filmic subject
Journal or Publication Title: Papers in English and American studies : Tomus XV. 2. - The iconology of gender : Eastern and Western traditions of European iconography 3.
Date: 2008
Volume: 15
Number: 2
ISSN: 0230-2780
ISBN: 978-963-482-875-4
Page Range: pp. 179-184
Series Name: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József nominatae : papers in english and american studies
Language: English
Williams Tennessee
Mankiewicz Joseph L.
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Uncontrolled Keywords: Amerikai irodalom története - 20. sz., Filmművészet - amerikai - 20. sz.
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 184. p. ; ill.
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.02. Languages and Literature
06. Humanities > 06.02. Languages and Literature > 06.02.03. General literature studies
06. Humanities > 06.04. Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
06. Humanities > 06.04. Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) > 06.04.05. Studies on film, radio and television
Date Deposited: 2025. Jan. 21. 14:05
Last Modified: 2025. Jan. 24. 13:07

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