Árpád-kori mellkeresztek

Lovag Zsuzsa: Árpád-kori mellkeresztek. In: A honfoglalás kor kutatásának legújabb eredményei : tanulmányok Kovács László 70. születésnapjára. pp. 493-497. (2013)

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The article presents pectoral crosses from a private collection in Pécs, probably obtained by the collector from people using a metal detector. So the circumstances of their discovery are unknown, except that they are certainly of Hungarian provenance. Publication of them is justified because analogies of shape to some of them are already known from excavations and museum collections. So far four examples similar to Cross 1 have been found in Transdanubia (see Notes 4 and 5). Three closely analogous pieces to Cross 2 have been published (see Notes 6 and 8). Based on these analogies, both can be said to have been made in Hungary in the 11th century. Crosses 4 and 5 are probably imports from the Balkans, for equivalents to them appear in collections in this country (see Notes 9-11 and 14). A direct parallel to Cross 6 was found as grave goods in a Baranya County cemetery of the 10th— 11th centuries, also likely to be a Balkan import (see Notes 16 and 17). Cross 8 is an example of a reliquary-type pectoral cross of a type deriving from the Holy Land. Of only of several similar pieces in Hungary are the circumstances of discovery known: it was found as grave goods in a child’s grave in an 1 l ,h-century cemetery (see Note 19).

Item Type: Book Section
Other title: Pectoral crosses from the Arpadian period
Journal or Publication Title: A honfoglalás kor kutatásának legújabb eredményei : tanulmányok Kovács László 70. születésnapjára
Date: 2013
ISSN: 2062-9877
ISBN: 978 963 306 241 8
Page Range: pp. 493-497
Series Name: Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről
Language: Hungarian
Related URLs: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/69838/
Uncontrolled Keywords: Régészet - leletek - Magyarország - középkor
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 496. p. és a lábjegyzetekben ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.01. History and archaeology
Date Deposited: 2020. Sep. 07. 10:47
Last Modified: 2022. Jan. 10. 11:34
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/70064

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