Comptines de dentellières brugeoises, 1730-1850 : entre travail, école et jeu, colère et prière

Peere Isabelle: Comptines de dentellières brugeoises, 1730-1850 : entre travail, école et jeu, colère et prière. In: Folk ballads, ethics, moral issues : [a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Néprajzi Intézete és az Európai Folklór Intézet által Budapesten, 2001. ápr. 21-23. között rendezett konferencia anyaga], (10). pp. 111-126. (2002)

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Worksongs of Lacemakers of Bruges (1730-1850) - The present contribution pursues our investigation of Lootens and Feys’s Chants populatesflamands, a published collection of Flemish popular songs transcribed in texts and music from the lips of a middle-class lady bom in Bruges in 1795. Besides 161 „chants populates" of all categories (religious, mystical, tragic, comic, etc.), this corpus includes a minor portion of texts, particularly fragmented and without music, presented as „poésies populaires diverses“. These are lacemakers’ worksongs, learned in the lady’s early years as a pupil at one of the workshop-schools, then common throughout Flanders. Besides attesting the collectors and/or the editor’s modem folklore concept, the presence of these songs in the collection -the earliest sources for teliingen in Flemish tradition - allows a rare understanding of their meanings as a specific song category as well as of their interrelationships with the song tradition in local culture. Pervading their diversity of form and character, these 21 pieces demonstrate a dynamic network of meanings and functions in relation to the technical as well as socio-economic aspects of lacemaking. These insider songs of the lacemakers of Bruges demonstrate how poetic rhythm and expression transformed the tedious reality of their work through play (aural, verbal and dramatic) providing for mental and spiritual development as well as for social and emotional re-creation on the job.

Item Type: Book Section
Journal or Publication Title: Folk ballads, ethics, moral issues : [a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Néprajzi Intézete és az Európai Folklór Intézet által Budapesten, 2001. ápr. 21-23. között rendezett konferencia anyaga]
Date: 2002
Volume: 10
ISSN: 1419-1288
ISBN: 963 05 7989 8
Page Range: pp. 111-126
Series Name: Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár
Language: English, French
Event Title: International Ballad Conference (31.) (2001) (Budapest)
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Népballada, Népdal - flamand
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 125-126. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.04. Sociology
Date Deposited: 2020. Sep. 17. 08:34
Last Modified: 2022. Feb. 02. 08:17

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