Király Edit: Az avar gyermeksírok jellemzői néhány temető adatai alapján. In: Új nemzedék: a szegedi Régészeti Tanszék tehetséggondozásának elmúlt évtizedei : Ünnepi kötet B. Tóth Ágnes, Kulcsár Valéria, Vörös Gabriella és Wolf Mária tiszteletére, (7). pp. 283-315. (2020)
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The analysis of infant graves is a neglected topic in the research of most archaeological periods. This is not a coincidence, since many factors complicate the examination of these graves. First, there are many unpublished or only partially published cemetery excavations. Burial customs and grave finds from many old excavations have not been analyzed, and neither the anthropological material. Thus, due to the sparse data, I could not focus my analysis to the region of Szentes according to my original research plan, but I had to extend my research to the southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain. A comparative analysis of Sarmatian children’s graves have been carried out by Gabriella Vörös. In my MA thesis, I have examined the Gepidic and Langobardic children’s graves. It is a much more complicated task to collect all the infant graves from the Avar period, because many more Avar cemeteries have been excavated and the number of the children’s graves can reach several thousand compared to the 100–200 children’s burials examined so far. Furthermore, the analysis should be done separately concerning the various phases of the Avar period to understand whether any differences can be demonstrated between the burial customs and grave finds from the early and late Avar period. This paper is the first step in a more comprehensive work, which offers an insight into the opportunities and challenges connected to this interesting research topic. The paper presents the analysis of infant graves from eleven archaeological sites based on a set of criteria established previously (the percentage of infant graves within the cemetery, their location, age and gender distribution, the burial customs, and the grave finds). Children’s graves constituted the 11 to 26% of the graves in the cemeteries, which displays a pattern similar to the one observed in the Gepidic and Lombard cemeteries. The analysis of the location of the children’s graves showed that in some cases they were near to the adults’ graves, and sometimes an adult and a child was buried in a common grave pit. In these cases, it is justified to assume that the two persons were related (probably parent and child). The age distribution could only partly be clarified due to the lack of data. Grave goods served as the basis of analyzing the gender distribution. The cemeteries presented a significant difference in the number of grave goods. Most of the finds were placed with the deceased as grave goods and less items were pieces of jewelry or clothing accessories. The paper concluded that the research of Avar children’s graves has to face the same problems and difficulties as that of the Gepidic and Lombard period graves. A more comprehensive inventory of infant graves from the Avar period and the analysis of that dataset might produce more specific results.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Other title: | Characteristics of Avar infant graves based on data from some cemeteries |
Journal or Publication Title: | Új nemzedék: a szegedi Régészeti Tanszék tehetséggondozásának elmúlt évtizedei : Ünnepi kötet B. Tóth Ágnes, Kulcsár Valéria, Vörös Gabriella és Wolf Mária tiszteletére |
Date: | 2020 |
Volume: | 7 |
ISSN: | 2062-9877 |
ISBN: | 978-963-306-733-8 |
Page Range: | pp. 283-315 |
Series Name: | Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről |
Language: | Hungarian, English |
Place of Publication: | Szeged |
Related URLs: | |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Régészet - leletek - Magyarország |
Additional Information: | Bibliogr.: p. 295-296. és a lábjegyzetekben ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven |
Subjects: | 06. Humanities 06. Humanities > 06.01. History and archaeology |
Date Deposited: | 2020. Nov. 27. 12:43 |
Last Modified: | 2023. Mar. 28. 11:01 |
URI: | |
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