Periodic orbits for periodic eco-epidemiological systems with infected prey

Jesus Lopo F. de; Silva César M.; Vilarinho Helder: Periodic orbits for periodic eco-epidemiological systems with infected prey. (2020)

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We address the existence of periodic orbits for periodic eco-epidemiological system with disease in the prey for two distinct families of models. For the first one, we use Mawhin’s continuation theorem in a wide general system that includes some models discussed in the literature, and for the second family we obtain a sharp result using a recent strategy that relies on the uniqueness of periodic orbits in the disease-free space.

Mű típusa: Folyóirat
Folyóirat/könyv/kiadvány címe: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations
Dátum: 2020
Szám: 54
ISSN: 1417-3875
DOI: 10.14232/ejqtde.2020.1.54
Kulcsszavak: Matematikai modell
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 19-20. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. nov. 30. 13:39
Utolsó módosítás: 2021. okt. 20. 13:52
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