Az Alaptörvény elfogadása és fogadtatása

Trócsányi László: Az Alaptörvény elfogadása és fogadtatása.

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An inquiry into adoption and reception of any new constitution shall start with evaluating its justifications that can be both legal and political. The present paper wishes to elaborate thereon. Among the political justifications, the 2010 “landfall” election victory can be considered as a motivating factor and an ‟authorization‟ for the governing party to commence constitutional reform. In order to abate the malicious effects of the moral, political and financial crises simultaneously present in Hungary, an adamant intent to change obviously entails a philosophy of „tabula rasa‟, it incorporates the renaming of certain public institutions and, eventually, even the adoption of a new constitution. Nevertheless, such a ‟constitutional state of emergency‟ arises very rarely in Europe; The 20th century attests to the fact that in certain countries the current constitutions are solid and stable, their longevity increased. At the same time, a country, with one foot out of the crisis, might easily be convinced that a newer, more efficient governance framework is essential to replace the ancien régime. The Hungarian constitutional process took off under undoubtedly unique circumstances; there has been no revolutionary constitutionalization, nor can we agree on a consensual process to have taken place as basis for the creation of the new constitutional order. The overall reception of fundamental laws can be controversial for many reasons, on which the paper elaborates at length; however, it needs to be clarified that if desperate times call for desperate measures, the people are often distrusting, when it comes to benevolent actions of the public power. If times are tight, the reception of the constitution can be moderate at best, notwithstanding the fact that a new constitution in theory disposes of an ability to strengthen the cohesion of the community. As stated above, both political and legal justifications can be provided in order to better understand the adoption and reception of a new fundamental law, but, it is also the case with criticism. Besides the national reception of the constitution being controversial, some of the issues “raised red flags” on the international level as well, and several emphatic international organizations voiced their concern. The European Parliament stressed political criticism; meanwhile the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, being a consultative body of legal experts, expressed material and substantial views that need to be taken into consideration when disserting about the adoption and reception of the new Fundamental Law of Hungary.

Mű típusa: Konferencia vagy workshop anyag
Egyéb cím: The adoption and reception of the Fundamental Law
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Az új alaptörvény és a jogélet reformja
Dátum: 2013
Kötet: 2
ISSN: 2063-3807
ISBN: 978-963-306-142-8
Oldalak: pp. 293-301
Sorozat neve: Szegedi Jogász Doktorandusz Konferenciák
Nyelv: magyar , angol
Konferencia neve: Az új Alaptörvény és a jogélet reformja (2011) (Szeged)
Befoglaló mű URL:
Kulcsszavak: Alkotmányjog - magyar, Alkotmány - magyar
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr. a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Szakterület: 05. Társadalomtudományok
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.05. Jogtudomány
Feltöltés dátuma: 2021. jan. 14. 14:00
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. dec. 05. 11:25
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