Diblík Josef: Criteria for the existence of positive solutions to delayed functional differential equations. (2016)
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The paper is concerned with the large time behavior of solutions to functional delayed differential equations y˙(t) = f(t, yt) where f : Ωn 7→ Rn is a continuous map satisfying a local Lipschitz condition with respect to the second argument and Ωn is an open subset in R × Cn, Cn := Cn([−r, 0], Rn ), r > 0. Criteria on the existence of positive solutions (different from the well-known published results) and their estimates from above are derived. The results are illustrated by examples.
Mű típusa: | Folyóirat |
Egyéb cím: | Honoring the career of Tibor Krisztin on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday |
Folyóirat/könyv/kiadvány címe: | Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations : special edition |
Dátum: | 2016 |
Kötet: | 2 |
Szám: | 68 |
ISSN: | 1417-3875 |
Oldalszám: | 15 |
Nyelv: | angol |
DOI: | 10.14232/ejqtde.2016.1.68 |
Kulcsszavak: | Differenciálegyenlet - késleltetett |
Megjegyzések: | Bibliogr.: p. 13-15. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven |
Feltöltés dátuma: | 2021. nov. 11. 12:55 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2021. nov. 12. 09:42 |
URI: | http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/73735 |
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