A Jézus Társaság megszüntetésének és feloszlatásának brevéje

A Jézus Társaság megszüntetésének és feloszlatásának brevéje. In: A Jézus Társaság feloszlatása : 1759-1773 76. pp. 31-54. (2006)

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This publication consists of the Hungarian translation of the two documents related to the dissolution of the Society of Jesus and the exile of its members and of a short essay on the progress of the dissolution with stress on the events in Portugal and its colonies. The introductory part aims at inserting of these two documents into their historical context. The starting point of the progress was the signing of the Treaty of Madrid in 1750 and the following war of the guaraní indians in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in South America, consequently the Jesuits were accused of inciting rebellion and putting up resistance against the legitimate authorities. These charges were spread throughout the European continent by the marquis of Pombal, who was the first to take measures against the Society. As minister of Portugal in 1759 dissolved the order and expelled its members from his country. The Jesuits working in Portuguese territories were collected at their houses and were transported to the Pontifical State, while those of foreign origin were imprisoned in Portugal. In France Father Lavalette's financial transactions and the following scandal led to the dissolution. The Parliament of Paris stated the collective responsibility of the order and in 1762 suspended their activity in the whole country. In Spain in 1766 a rebellion broke out against the strict laws of the state and the Jesuits were named as the instigators of it. In 1767 in a few days the Jesuits were deported by the help of a well-organized military action. As from 1767 the ambassadors of the French, Spanish and Neapoletan Courts insisted on the complete dissolution of the order from the Pope, however the Dominus ас Redemptor Noster brief was only signed by Pope Clement XIV only on 21st of July 1773. One of the two documents was written by a Czech Jesuit, Carolus Pizikril deported from Goa to Portugal in 1759. The autor was imprisoned because of his foreign origin with several other Jesuits in the prison of the Säo Juliäo da Barra fortress. The original copy of this letter written in Latin is located in the Archives of the ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) University Library. This writing dated back to 1767 inform us about the circumstances in the above-mentioned prison and about the last years and death of the Fathers Wolff Franz, Silesian and Dávid Fáy, Hungarian. This document has been unknown so far in the historical literature. The Hungarian translation of the Dominus ас Redemptor Noster brief is divided in two main parts. In the first part the document enumerates the already dissolved monastic orders, whereas in the second part recites the causes that led to the dissolution of the Society of Jesus and the regulations related to the future situation of the members and the properties of the Society. Consequently the novices were dismissed and those Jesuits, who had made all their solemn professions, were subordinated to the bishops of the various dioceses together with all the movable goods and immovable properties of the Order.

Item Type: Book Section
Other title: The dissolution of the Society of Jesus, 1759-1773
Journal or Publication Title: A Jézus Társaság feloszlatása : 1759-1773
Date: 2006
Number: 76
ISSN: 1216-0954
Page Range: pp. 31-54
Series Name: Documenta Historica
Language: Hungarian, English
Babarczi Dóra
Related URLs: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/38318/
Uncontrolled Keywords: Jezsuita rend története - 18. sz., Egyháztörténet - katolikus - 18. sz. - forrás
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 31. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 06. Humanities
06. Humanities > 06.01. History and archaeology
06. Humanities > 06.03. Philosophy, ethics and religion
Date Deposited: 2021. Dec. 08. 08:22
Last Modified: 2021. Dec. 08. 08:22
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/74082

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