Prekodravac Jovana; Vasiljević Bojana; Marinković Dragana; Kepic Dejan; Kleut Duška; Todorović Marković Biljana: Antioxidant and prooxidant features of N-CQD in photocatalytic testing of aquatic media.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The modern age science is still searching for an effective photocatalytic material for the treatment of colored discharges from different industries which cause severe environmental issues. The excellent properties of nitrogen doped carbon quantum dots (N-CQD) enable their successful application as photocatalytic material in organic dye removal triggered under light absorption. With this in mind we first present a successfully performed microwave-assisted synthesis method, a green, simple and economically affordable method for N-CQD synthesis with high nitrogen percentage incorporated in the form of pyrrolic, pyridinic/NH2 and graphitic/NH3 groups. The pro-oxidant and antioxidant features of the synthesized N-CQD were further presented, with high removal efficiency of synthesized N-CQD towards the methylene blue (MB) organic dye, as one of the leading water pollutants with a major risk to aquatic and human life.
Mű típusa: | Konferencia vagy workshop anyag |
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems |
Dátum: | 2021 |
Kötet: | 27 |
ISBN: | 978-963-306-835-9 |
Oldalak: | pp. 286-290 |
Nyelv: | angol |
Kiadó: | University of Szeged |
Kiadás helye: | Szeged |
Konferencia neve: | International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (27.) (2021) (Szeged) |
Befoglaló mű URL: | |
Kulcsszavak: | Analitikai kémia |
Megjegyzések: | Bibliogr.: 290. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven |
Szakterület: | 01. Természettudományok 01. Természettudományok > 01.04. Kémiai tudományok |
Feltöltés dátuma: | 2022. máj. 31. 15:09 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. aug. 08. 15:40 |
URI: | |
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