Research in the mechanization of black locust renewal and planting

Major Tamás and Czupy Imre and Horváth Attila László and Papp Viktor and Kiss Andrea Tünde: Research in the mechanization of black locust renewal and planting. In: Analecta technica Szegedinensia, (13) 2. pp. 6-11. (2019)

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Nowadays, the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is the most current and the most widely used tree species in Hungary. Due to its penetration and the wide variety of application it’s worth to examine the different mechanization options of the reforestation technologies and their costs. We provided our research in the area of Nyírerdő Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt. According to the tests it can be said, that the cost of the reforestations with root ripping is the most favourable and the reforestation or regeneration with planting costs the most. The disadvantage of the regeneration with root ripping is, that after its multiple application it can be observed the significantly degradation of the assortment composition and of the tree utilization income.

Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title: Analecta technica Szegedinensia
Date: 2019
Volume: 13
Number: 2
ISSN: 2064-7964
Page Range: pp. 6-11
Language: English
Place of Publication: Szeged
Related URLs:
DOI: 10.14232/analecta.2019.2.6-11
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fakitermelés - erdőgazdálkodás, Erdészet, Gépesítés
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 11. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 04. Agricultural sciences
04. Agricultural sciences > 04.01. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
04. Agricultural sciences > 04.05. Other agricultural sciences
Date Deposited: 2022. May. 23. 08:25
Last Modified: 2023. Jul. 13. 10:40

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