Analysis of the cap by the basis of the Hungarian farmers

Lendvai Edina: Analysis of the cap by the basis of the Hungarian farmers. In: Agrár- és vidékfejlesztési szemle, (6) 1. pp. 502-507. (2011)

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In the 90s agriculture experienced serious changes in Hungary. Both internal and external markets narrowed down, besides, the structures of ownership and production transformed considerably. As a purpose of our research we set to get more knowledge about the operation, structure and possibilities of the system of the Common Agricultural Policy, and last but not least, about its effects on the Hungarian economy and farmers.

Item Type: Article
Heading title: Poster presentation
Journal or Publication Title: Agrár- és vidékfejlesztési szemle
Date: 2011
Volume: 6
Number: 1
ISSN: 1788-5345
Page Range: pp. 502-507
Language: English
Publisher: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mezőgazdasági Kar
Place of Publication: Hódmezővásárhely
Event Title: Traditions, innovation, sustainability (2011) (Hódmezővásárhely)
Related URLs:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Agrárpolitika - Magyarország - 1990-es évek, Gazdaságpolitika - Magyarország - 1990-es évek, Mezőgazdaság - Magyarország - 1990-es évek
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: 507. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.02. Economics and business
Date Deposited: 2022. Jul. 11. 08:14
Last Modified: 2022. Jul. 11. 12:12

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