Effects of the AD libitum consumption of ethanol on the serum lipids metabolites and on some serum biometals studied on an animal model

Velciov Petru-Robert; Gârban Gabriela; Avacovici Adina-Elena; Velciov Ariana-Bianca; Mitroi Mihaela-EIisabeta: Effects of the AD libitum consumption of ethanol on the serum lipids metabolites and on some serum biometals studied on an animal model.

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Ethanol consumption influences the lipid, electrolyte, carbohydrate as well as the protein metabolisms in humans. Experimental studies with ethanol administration in laboratory animals revealed metabolic changes similar to those in humans. This experimental study was performed on Wistar strain rats divided in three groups: one control C and two experimental ones, i.e. Ei _ with occasional alcohol consumption and E2 - with chronic consumption. At the end of the experiment (30 days) the animals were killed and blood samples were collected for biochemical determinations. Serum lipid mtabolites (HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides) and the concentration of some serum metals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe) were determined. The obtained results showed homeostatic changes with physiological and physiopathological implications. One can conclude that chronic ethanol consumption affects more significantly the serum lipids and metals homeostasis than the occasional one.

Mű típusa: Konferencia vagy workshop anyag
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems
Dátum: 2012
Kötet: 17
ISBN: 978-963-315-066-5
Oldalak: pp. 219-222
Nyelv: angol
Kiadó: SZAB
Kiadás helye: Szeged
Konferencia neve: International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (17.) (2011) (Szeged)
Konferencia típusa: Konferencia
Helyszin: Szeged
Dátum: 2011. szeptember 19.
Befoglaló mű URL: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/76381/
Kulcsszavak: Etanol hatása, Kémia, Biokémia
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: 222. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Szakterület: 01. Természettudományok
01. Természettudományok > 01.04. Kémiai tudományok
Feltöltés dátuma: 2022. aug. 10. 08:40
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. aug. 22. 10:23
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/76428
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