Investigating the patterns of cooperation and role of embeddedness in EU defence projects - a social capital based approach

Balogh Péter: Investigating the patterns of cooperation and role of embeddedness in EU defence projects - a social capital based approach. In: Belvedere Meridionale, (35) 1. pp. 20-38. (2023)

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Social capital and cooperative behaviour could play an important role in the modern societies seeking to achieve socio-economic development and integration. Additionally, in times when facing remarkable challenges trust and interstate cooperation might enhance the countries involved to make fruitful efforts against the potential negative consequences of the emerging threats. Accordingly in this paper we propose that since the middle of the 2010’s possible challenges emerged in the European Union, which necessitated common reactions and coordinated measures, thus it seems interesting to investigate the patterns of cooperation and role of social embeddedness in the defence sector. Applying a quantitative approach with social network analysis methods we explore and characterize the EU-level defence cooperation projects in the light of other relevant factors.

Mű típusa: Cikk, tanulmány, mű
Rovatcím: Studies
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Belvedere Meridionale
Dátum: 2023
Kötet: 35
Szám: 1
ISSN: 2064-5929
Oldalak: pp. 20-38
Nyelv: angol
Kiadó: Belvedere Meridionale
Kiadás helye: Szeged
Befoglaló mű URL:
DOI: 10.14232/belv.2023.1.3
Kulcsszavak: Társadalmi tőke, Együttműködés - Európai Unió - program
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 37-38. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2023. nov. 20. 09:58
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. nov. 20. 09:58
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