Brborić Maja; Dmitrašinović Sonja; Ćojbašić Sanja; Turk Sekulic Maja; Radonić Jelena: Occurrence of polycyclic musks in pore water of the sediment-freshwater system: passive sampler application.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Polycyclic musks are aroma compounds used worldwide as substitutes for natural musks, which have become ubiquitous pollutants in the environment. The land-based input and partition behavior of musks in sediments and fresh water are important for understanding their fate in the aquatic environment. In this study, a 10 sediment samples were collected and used to determine three polycyclic musks: tonalide, galaxolide and cashmeran. All three pollutants were detected in the sediment of the Danube River, but in very low concentrations (< 2 ng/L). In the article, the ex-sity passive methodology of sediment sampling was applied. For this purpose, silicone rubber sheets were used so that, after establishing equilibrium relations between sediment and polymer, the concentration of musk could be determined. Relations of two important parameters for risk assessment- freely dissolved concentration (Cw) in the pore water and the accessible (releasable) concentration in the sediment (CAOC) were deviated the most in the Belegiš locality, with total Cw values of 0.003 ng/L for Galaxolide and Tonalide, and 0.02 ng/L for Cashmeran. The highly significant linear isotherms for musks obtained by the method of equilibrium passive sampling confirmed the partition driven nature of their exchange between water and sediment for the investigated sediments.
Mű típusa: | Konferencia vagy workshop anyag |
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems |
Dátum: | 2023 |
Kötet: | 29 |
ISBN: | 978-963-306-963-9 |
Oldalak: | pp. 104-108 |
Nyelv: | angol |
Kiadó: | University of Szeged |
Kiadás helye: | Szeged |
Konferencia neve: | 29th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems |
Konferencia típusa: | Konferencia |
Helyszin: | Szeged |
Dátum: | 2023. november 13-14. |
Befoglaló mű URL: | |
Kulcsszavak: | Üledék - Duna - mintavétel |
Megjegyzések: | Bibliogr.: p. 107-108. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven |
Szakterület: | 01. Természettudományok 01. Természettudományok > 01.04. Kémiai tudományok |
Feltöltés dátuma: | 2023. nov. 22. 11:49 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. nov. 22. 11:49 |
URI: | |
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