A fogyatékkal született gyermek saját jogú kártérítési igényéről - avagy egy jogegységi döntés margójára

Gombos Katalin: A fogyatékkal született gyermek saját jogú kártérítési igényéről - avagy egy jogegységi döntés margójára. In: Ünnepi e-könyv : Herczeg János professzor 70. születésnapjára. pp. 398-412. (2012)

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About the wrongful life action of disabled children – or else to the margin of a decision of the unity of law (Summary) This study deals with questions of the wrongful conception, wrongful pregnancy action, wrongful birth action and wrongful life action, and within this topic principally examinig the possibility of the wrongful life action of a child being born with genetical or teratorological disadvantages. The essay pays attention to the practical questions of the presence of this problem in Anglo-Saxon and continental European legal systems, from the views of the interpretitive judicial practice, legislation and jurisprudence. Under Hungarian law, there isn’t any disposition relating wrongful life action. Because of this lack of the statement of the statue, only through interpretitive judicial practice can we find the answer to the question whether there is a possibility of wrongful life action of disabled children or not. In absence of definite statements of the statue, we have to pay regard to the regulations of the Civil Code, the Act of Medical Care and the Act of Defense of Embryonal Life in order to determine whether the conditions of the wrongful life action can be dogmatically deduced from the general dispositions of the above-mentioned acts. Since the Hungarian judicial practice has passed different contradictory judgements, it has become essential to establish a homogeneus judicial interpretation meeting the requirements of legal certainty by making a decision of the unity of law. The next logical step must be legislation on the basis de lege ferenda proposals which developed jurisdiction.

Item Type: Book Section
Heading title: Jogi tanulmányok
Journal or Publication Title: Ünnepi e-könyv : Herczeg János professzor 70. születésnapjára
Date: 2012
ISBN: 978 963 306 154 1
Page Range: pp. 398-412
Language: Hungarian, English
Publisher: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
Place of Publication: Szeged
Related URLs: https://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/84656/
Uncontrolled Keywords: Egészségügyi jog
Additional Information: Bibliogr.: p. 410-412. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Subjects: 05. Social sciences
05. Social sciences > 05.05. Law
Date Deposited: 2024. Apr. 09. 14:23
Last Modified: 2024. Apr. 09. 14:23
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/84693

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