%0 Book Section %@ %A Molnár Zsolt %A Bagi István %A Kertész Éva %D 1997 %F acta:10136 %K Körös-vidék - ökológia, Körös, Növényvilág %N 2 %P 81-101 %S Tiscia monograph series %T Vegetation and flora of the Hármas-Körös river (Hungary) with some historical remarks %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/10136/ %X The Hármas-Körös flood plain is a typical degraded flood plain landscape of the Hungarian Great Plain, although many of the habitats are semi-natural and some are regenerating since human influence is decreasing in some areas. There are important habitats in the river valley that serve as a refuge for many wetlands communities and species. 504 species and 60 plant communities are listed. 43 species (rare, protected, invasive etc.) and 11 habitats (e.g. ancient and recent woodlands, thickets, oxbow lakes, marshes, kubiks, hay meadows, pastures, dry grasslands, alkali grasslands, river levees) are briefly described. The effect of landscape transformations of the last 200 years on the vegetation is also described. %Z Bibliogr.: p. 98-99. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven