%X Results of the flora and vegetation studies in the Upper Tisa basin within Ukraine are presented. The bicentennial history of the vegetation cover studies of Transcarpathia and the Maramarosh region in particular is considered. Special attention is focused on the problem of biodiversity conservation in the Upper Tisa Region. Lists of the threatened vascular plants (366 taxa) of the region are presented, which were developed on the basis of the surveyed studies. The peculiarities of the distribution of rare and endemic species are stated.
%K Tisza - élővilág, Felső-Tisza-vidék - ökológia, Növényvilág, Természetvédelem, Biodiverzitás
%P 273-292
%J The Upper Tisa valley : preparatory proposal for Ramsar site designation and an ecological background Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian co-operation
%L acta10204
%T Flora and vegetation of the Ukrainian Upper Tisa basin : aspects of biodiversity conservation
%N 4
%A  Kricsfalusy Vladimir V.
%D 1999
%S Tiscia monograph series
%O Bibliogr.: p. 289-292. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven