%L acta11803 %A Szigeti Orsolya %P 111-119 %X An overall quantitative market research was carried out to reveal the consumers' behaviour relating to traditional Hungarian foods. This research aimed to get information on the consumption and buying habits of Hungarian consumers as well as the preferences and attitudes connected to these products. The research was based on a 1000 questionnaires inquiry that was representative and random. The sample mirrors the population in five factors: region, type of settlement, sex, age and educational level. Data were analyzed by using frequency distribution, means and cross-tables. Chi-square test was used in case of percentage distribution to define the level of significance and ANOVA in case of multivariate statistical analysis. The research revealed that the category of traditional Hungarian food is more obvious for the consumers than hungaricum is. According to the results, the most known hungaricums are Pick salami, Szegedi paprika, Gyulai sausage and Mak6 onion. It was found that hungaricums are part of daily nutrition of most of the people. In their shopping decisions the consumers regard flavour as the most important factor; which indicates the primary importance of enjoyment value of this type of food above any other factors. Concerning quality issues, the consumers' expectations towars food security aspects, such as the freshness of the product and legal requirements were listed as most important factors. The results show that this group of products enjoys a kind of status of trust, which is reasonable to exploit in communication messages. Six different consumer groups were determined with factor and cluster analysis by using life style variables. %T Consumers' preferences and attitudes on the market of the traditional Hungarian foods %O Bibliogr.: p. 118-119. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %K KĂśzgazdasĂĄgtudomĂĄny %D 2009 %J Review of faculty of engineering : analecta technica Szegedinensia