%0 Journal Article
%@ 1788-6392
%A  Blaga Vasile
%A  Daróczi Károly
%D 2010
%F acta:11863
%J Review of faculty of engineering : analecta technica Szegedinensia
%K Mérnöki tudományok
%N 2-3
%P 254-261
%T The dependence of the engines rotation and the environment temperature of the combustibles mass
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/11863/
%X In this paperwork is presented the fuel charging scheme for both the multipoint injection system design by authors. The software outputs are the 3-dimensional variations between angular speed and outside temperature respectively angular speed. It was effectuated a engines with spark lighting program for the calculation of parameters with the gasoline injection with the under- program: the calculation program of engines with spark lighting parameters (depending on n and X at (<,=- 35...+45°C and p0= 1 • 102  kPa);- the calculation program of engines with spark lighting parameters (depending on n and U at >.=1 and pu=!TQ2  kPa).
%Z Bibliogr.: 261. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven