%0 Journal Article
%@ 0324-721X
%A  Pluhár András
%C Szeged
%D 2004
%F acta:12734
%J Acta cybernetica
%K Számítástechnika, Nyelvészet - számítógép alkalmazása
%N 3
%P 451-458
%T The recycled Kaplansky's game
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/12734/
%V 16
%X Motivated by the Nine Men Morris game, the achievement or hypergraph games can be prolonged in the following way. After placing a prescribed number of stones, the players pick some of these up and replace again. We study the effect of this recycling for the k-in-a-row game and some versions of the Kaplansky's game.
%Z Bibliogr.: 458. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven