%P 545-566
%C Szeged
%O Bibliogr.: p. 565-566. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T An addition to the methods of test determination for fault detection in combinational circuits
%J Acta cybernetica
%A  Cvetković Ljubomir
%N 4
%D 2004
%L acta12740
%K SzĂĄmĂ­tĂĄstechnika, NyelvĂŠszet - szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂŠp alkalmazĂĄsa
%V 16
%X We propose a procedure for determining fault detection tests for single and multiple fault in combinational circuits. The stuck-at-fault model is used. By the proposed procedure all test vectors for single and multiple stuck-at-fault in combinational circuit are determined. The path sensitization method is used in the test signal propagation while test signals are defined on a four element set. The procedure can also be applied to the fault detection in programmable logic devices. We consider two-level combinational circuits which are realized by the PAL architecture and we propose a procedure for determining a test set which detects all single stuck-at-faults. As a mathematical tool, the cube theory is used.