IS  - 4
ID  - acta12743
CY  - Szeged
UR  - http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/12743/
SN  - 0324-721X
EP  - 600
N1  - Bibliogr.: p. 598-600. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
A1  -  Alberti Gábor
A1  -  Kleiber Judit
A1  -  Viszket Anita
Y1  - 2004///
N2  - The principal aim of our research team, called GeLexi, is to legitimate a new sort of generative grammar via verifying its computational implementability. This grammar is more radically "lexicalist" than any earlier one: no phrase structure trees are generated, but word order is accounted for by means of ranked parameters. Another novelty is the extension of "total lexicalism" to morphology: lexical items are assigned not to words but to morphemes. Our parser, in accordance with the basic task of every generative grammar, decides whether a sentence is grammatical, and if it is, then provides a morphophonological analysis, a compilation of grammatical relations, and two kinds of semantic representations. At the end we show some examples to demonstrate our procedures, among them a sentence containing the conjunction és 'and', which is our latest development.
VL  - 16
SP  - 587
AV  - public
JF  - Acta cybernetica
TI  - GeLexi project : sentence parsing based on a GEnerative LEXIcon
KW  - Számítástechnika
KW  -  Nyelvészet - számítógép alkalmazása
ER  -