%V 17 %X A general method for obtaining minimal interatomic distance in molecule conformation problems is introduced. The method can be applied to a wide family of potential energy functions having reasonable properties. Using this method new lower bounds for the minimal inter-particle distance for the optimal Lennard-Jones and Morse potential functions are derived which are independent from the number of atoms. Improved linear lower bounds for the optimal function values for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials are also given. %K SzĂĄmĂtĂĄstechnika, Kibernetika %P 107-121 %J Acta cybernetica %L acta12756 %T Minimal inter-particle distance in atom clusters %N 1 %A VinkĂł TamĂĄs %D 2005 %C Szeged %O Bibliogr.: p. 120-121. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven