%I University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology %V 10 %X In the AsztagkĹ of GyĂśngyĂśssolymos at the boundary of the quartzite and the tuff there occurs, a colloidal substance which mostly consists of halioysite, limonite and hematite. The site of the exotherm peak appearing at 900â1000°C varies according to the amount of the iron content. The greater the amount of iron the lower the temperature at which the exotherm peak appears. The shift of the exotherm peak also takes place in the case of artificial mixtures. %K KĹzettan, ĂsvĂĄnytan, FĂśldtan %P 59-66 %J Acta mineralogica-petrographica %L acta24429 %T Clay minerals from AsztagkĹ of GyĂśngyĂśssolymos %A MezĹsi JĂłzsef %D 1957 %C Szeged %O Bibliogr.: p. 65-66. ; ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven