%L acta2974 %A MiklĂłs PĂŠter %P 3-21 %V 123 %X Population of Szeged in time of revolution and freedom fight lived animated days. Near the town fought botties and Szeged was the biggest military centre in theatre of operations in Banat area, where the biletted soliders, the woundeds and the hungarian refugees from Banat are determineted the days of people. The first responsible government (in March 1848), the freedom fight (since September 1848) and the declaration of independence (in April 1849) were important for clergymen in Szeged. In July 1849 - the last days of freedom fight - like the seat of parlament and government Szeged was the capital and political centre of free Hungary. Szeged was the part of diocese CsanĂĄd. The bishop in CsanĂĄd was MihĂĄly HorvĂĄth, the minister of religion and public education in Szemere-government (between May and August 1849). There were four catholic parishes in Szeged in 1848: PalĂĄnk (since 1199), AlsĂłvĂĄros (since 1789), FĂślsĹvĂĄros (since 1789) and RĂłkus (since 1805). Between the catholic priests in Szeged we can find national liberals (Ferenc NyĂĄry in RĂłkus) and Habsburg-friend conservatives (Antal Kreminger in PalĂĄnk, Antal SzĹącs in RĂłkus). The state tried interfere in affairs of church administering. The comissioners of Szeged (KĂĄzmĂŠr BatthyĂĄny, later JĂĄnos CzirĂĄky) trans - fered vicars (Antal Kreminger in April 1849 and Ferenc NyĂĄry in August 1849). %T A katolikus egyhĂĄz Szegeden 1848/49-ben %O Bibliogr. a lĂĄbjegyzetekben; Ismertetett mĹą: PĂŠter MiklĂłs: The catholic church in Szeged in 1848/49 %K TĂśrtĂŠnelemtudomĂĄny, EgyhĂĄztĂśrtĂŠnet %D 2005 %J Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : acta historica