%P 21-33
%O Bibliogr.: 32. p. és a jegyzetekben: p. 31-32.; Összefoglalás; The regulation of patients' rights from the beginning until today : the summary of the habilitation lecture
%T A betegjogok szabályozása a kezdetektől napjainkig : habilitációs előadás anyaga
%J Acta Sana
%A  PogĂĄny Magdolna
%N 1
%D 2010
%L acta30430
%K JogtudomĂĄny
%V 5
%X The study reviews the regulation of patients’ rights from the time of the civil rights
movements of the 1960’s and 1970’s until the recent developments in Hungary.
First, it deals with the necessity of the regulation of patients’ rights and the tendencies
in their progress, and also analyses the doubts that arise in connection with patients’
rights approaches.
Examining the changes in domestic regulations, it explains the role of medical ethical
norms and also those ethical and legal roles that led to the codification of the Hungarian
patients’ rights. With reference to analysing the period since the endorsement of the
Health Act (1998), it points out the role of the Constitutional Court and the actions
of the parliamentary commissioners in forming the prevailing regulations of patients’
It gives full details of the place of the patients’ rights regulation in the legal source
hierarchy, the force of patients’ rights, and it describes the connections between
patients’ rights and the duties of health care providers.
The paper classifies the nine patients’ rights identified in the Law as three groups and
explores the everyday practice in connection with the enforcement of each identified
patients’ right.
It reports on the knowledge of patients’ rights and the experiences on their
Finally, it summarizes own teaching experiences and outlines the prospects that give
hope that people’s, citizens’ and patients’ rights are respected and enforced.