%0 Journal Article
%@ 2062-1396
%A  Csimáné Pozsegovics Beáta
%A  Horváthné Tóth Ildikó
%D 2014
%F acta:35090
%J Köztes-Európa : társadalomtudományi folyóirat
%K Felnőttoktatás Magyarország regionális, Kadarkúti-Nagybajomi kistérség
%N 2-3
%P 175-189
%T A Kadarkúti - Nagybajomi kistérségben élő szépkorúak közösségi tevékenysége, tanulási lehetőségei
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/35090/
%V 6
%X Facing  the  increasing  aging  of  society  the  care  for  older  people  came  more  and  more into focus in science and in public life as well. F. Hampton Roy and Charles Russell called this  phenomenon  similarly  to  baby  boom  papy  boom,  which  expressed  the  strength  and the  importance  of  the  trend.  In  the  operation  of  the  welfare  state  problems  accumulating during the  last two decades.  Problems  are  waiting for a  solution and keep the  public  and the professionals employed. With the end of socialism in our area developing solutions to these problems has become an important task. We carried out a pilot research in September–October  2013  and  April–May  2014,  in  micro-region  Kadarkúti-Nagybajomi in  17 settlements.  The  selected  target  group  was  the  retired  population  living  in  the  region’s villages, towns.
%Z Bibliogr.: p. 188-189.