relation: title: Egy bolgár-török mondat 1307-ből creator: Róna-Tas András subject: 06. Bölcsészettudományok subject: 06.02. Nyelvek és irodalom description: On a tomb-stone found in Tjazberdino /TatASSR/ and dated to the first half of October, 1307, there is a sentence consisting of four words. The inscription has been earlier published by ASHMARIN, and AHMAROV /who could not read the sentence because they used a defect copy/ and JUSUPOV, who did not give photo. The author got hold of a reliable photo of the original and gives his preliminary observations of the sentence which he reads as: öétr imsen £'iwne barsa velt-L "He died having gone to the Cermisen river". The paper is an unaltered text of a lecture given at the session of the Körösi Csorna Society, Budapest, 28th January, 1975. date: 1976 type: Cikk, tanulmány, mű type: NonPeerReviewed format: part language: hu identifier: identifier: Róna-Tas András: Egy bolgár-török mondat 1307-ből. In: Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : sectio ethnographica et linguistica = néprajz és nyelvtudomány = étnografiâ i azykoznanie = Volkskunde und Sprachwissenschaft, (19-20). pp. 225-242. (1976) language: hun language: eng