%P 81-95
%O Bibliogr.: p. 91-95.
%T Magyar ĂĄllamtĂŠr ĂŠs kĂźlpolitikai kĂŠnyszer
%J KĂśzĂŠp-eurĂłpai kĂśzlemĂŠnyek
%A  Nagy MiklĂłs MihĂĄly
%N 4
%D 2015
%L acta36054
%K KĂźlpolitika MagyarorszĂĄg 20. sz., MagyarorszĂĄg
%V 8
%X The  territorial  changes  that  defined  the  20th  century  history  of  Hungary,  the  most  important event of  which  was the Treaty of Trianon, defined a continuous  inescapable path  for Hungarian foreign and military policy. This geopolitical factor was not only true for the peace treaty, but was also relevant to the turn of the century, the first years of World War I, Mihály Károlyi’s term as prime minister, the 1919 far-left dictatorship, and to the subsequent war. The territorial changes, especially the dismemberment of the Kingdom of Hungary, had caused trauma to the nation. This historically detectable shock of mass psychology that pervaded the Hungarian nation posed a constant inescapable path for Hungarian foreign and military policy between 1918 and 1945. Accordingly, there is a close relationship between the territorial changes and the trends of foreign policy. In addition, the changes in the state territories in the Carpathian Basin in the first half of the 20th century fit into the trends of European political geography. The present study discusses this pressure from political geography and geopolitics as a political factor.