%P 71-80
%O Bibliogr.: p. 76-80.
%T A Müncheni Südost-Institut létrehozása és első éveinek magyar kapcsolatai
%J KĂśzĂŠp-eurĂłpai kĂśzlemĂŠnyek
%A  Orosz LĂĄszlĂł
%N 2
%D 2015
%L acta36375
%K KĂśzĂŠp-Kelet-EurĂłpa tĂśrtĂŠnete 1930-1936, MĂźnchen
%V 8
%X If we take a look at the Horthy era’s Hungarian-German political science relations, at every turn we  encounter  endeavors  of  the  Munich-based Südost-Institut,  which  was  the  most  important  institute  specializing  in  research  related  to  the  so-called „Südostraum” region. Researching the history related to the institute’s formative years, we may come to the conclusion that through the early to mid-30’s, the Südost-Institut’s profile was less concerned with academic / research pursuits than with politically-driven undertakings, and as a result, the foundation was lacking to have referred to it credibly as an „academic institute”. We may cite as sufficient evidence either the institute’s network  of  predominantly  „Völkisch”  organizations,  its  population  policy-themed  lecture  series,  or even the preparatory courses and the information found in the associated materials and brochures, as well as their professional quality, wording, and target audience. The arrival of Fritz Valjavec at the institute  (autumn  1935)  would  mark  a  definitive  break,  from  which  point there  was  not  only  a change in the institute’s personnel, but also a fundamental change in direction concerning research priorities, publication structure and international networking (mainly in the direction of the Danube region).  Taken  together,  these  justify  our  referring  to  a  new  era  for  the  institute  and  southeastern research from the mid-30’s on.